The Body of Christ in action

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and needy.
Proverbs 31:8-9
Who is Straatwerk Non-Profit Organisation?
Straatwerk came into being in the late 1960s. Young people gathered on Friday evenings with a shared concern for those who were cast out by society, who were broken and in distress, and yearned to be loved. With a borrowed van, a tray of sandwiches and a primus stove, they went out and shared the love of Christ.
Today Straatwerk is a registered non-profit organisation with a strong evangelistic focus.
The ministry team of Straatwerk reflects the rich diversity of our country’s population and represents a range of different church denominations.

We believe that we are called to assist people on the road to rehabilitation, whatever their situation or addiction may be…

Combined initiatives to call women out of prostitution; journeying with each individual in discovering the abundant life in Jesus Christ…

Servant Evangelism
Many different groups visit us to experience outreaches on the streets and, together with the participants, we draw up tailor-made…

Who is Nation Builder?
The Nation Builder status has been afforded to a few select organisations – of which Straatwerk is one – making this a symbol that portrays excellence in the not-for-profit and socio-economic development sector. Nation Builder is an initiative that recognises the powerful role business plays in shaping the future of our country, and aims to support and empower businesses to have the greatest impact on our nation through good social investment. Your organisation can become part of this movement where South Africans build a nation by collaborating with accredited Nation Builder organisations that are bringing about change for a better future and a thriving nation.